Puberty Education Classes

Puberty Sexual Education For Families

If schools give sex/puberty education, it is sometimes done in middle or high school, which is actually already too late. Sex education should begin in the home starting at a very young age. And no, it’s not exactly what you may be thinking. You can become a great sex ed resource for your kids so they don’t need to go elsewhere for this information. Here are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • Keep it simple
  • Start by teaching kids the correct name for their body parts.
  • Teach safe vs unsafe touch. I recommend using the terms “safe” and “unsafe” when it comes to touch. Sometimes even unsafe touch can feel good which is why we want to avoid the terms “good touch” and “bad touch.”
  • Allow kids to ask questions/talk about their bodies without shame and encourage them when they do
  • Give an age appropriate discussion of the very basics of reproduction/puberty. You’re not going to explain sex/puberty to a 10 year old the same way you would to a 7 or 15 year old.
  • Get in touch with your own sexual values and where you got those values from. If you’ve experienced your own past sexual trauma, check in. You may need to ask someone to help you with these talks.
  • Pay attention to your body language. If you are uncomfortable, it is ok to admit that. Explain to your kids that this is a very important conversation but you may struggle a little because your own parents didn’t teach you about this stuff so you need to learn to do it in a positive way.
  • Talk WITH your kids, not AT them. Let them be active in the conversation if they are willing. Try to stick with positive language and encourage them when they ask questions.
  • Have positive resources available for them to look over independently.

Sex Education Classes

If you are looking for help in a positive and encouraging environment, you have come to the right place. Look no further than one of my classes that bring parents and children TOGETHER to get the facts so that the conversations that come afterwards, are filled with all of the important values and beliefs that you want your kids to know. The Rites of Passage is a place where kids and parents learn how to talk comfortably with each other in an interactive and fun way. Parents get to be involved in the conversation so there is no “gray” area of what they may have learned at school or elsewhere. My classes provide a safe place to get questions answered and receive factual information, while also sharing experiences and knowledge that make these talks fun and helpful

Related Puberty Education Classes

Changing U

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Mother/Daughter 8-9 years

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Transitions & Journeys

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Parent/Daughter 10-12 years  Parent/Son 11-13 years

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